Take note of your feelings as you eat.

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Many of us struggle with emotional eating, which is when we overeat as a reaction to tension, sadness, or other unpleasant emotions. Understanding the different emotions that surround your relationship with food, as well as how you could be utilizing food to deal with particular emotions, can be aided by mindful eating.

You may become more aware of your feelings about the food you eat after doing this exercise. As you’ll need to refer to them later on in this challenge, you’ll need a diary, journal, smartphone, or other devices to take notes.

For today’s exercise, consider the following questions before you begin to eat: Does this meal make you feel anything? Which ones, if any? Why do you believe these feelings are arising?

It’s acceptable if you don’t have answers with absolute certainty,

but try to think of a few possibilities as to why you might be feeling this way. Do you eat this type of food (Comfort food) when you’re depressed, stressed out, or anxious?

For this exercise, there are no strict guidelines. Simply acknowledge and honor your feelings about food. Then, record them.

Try not to criticize yourself no matter how you’re feeling. This exercise aims to increase your awareness of your emotional reactions to food and help you understand how emotions might make you feel like eating.

It’s not the same as mental health, to start with. Even though the phrases are sometimes used interchangeably, emotional wellness, according to licensed psychologist Juli Fraga, PsyD, “focuses on being in tune with our emotions, vulnerability, and authenticity.”

Fostering resilience, self-awareness, and general contentment requires strong emotional health as a core component.

Remember that being in good emotional health does not imply that you are constantly joyful or devoid of unpleasant emotions. It involves having the knowledge and tools necessary to handle the ups and downs of daily life.

We have to build good emotional Health

How can I improve my emotional health?

Emotional well-being is more of a journey than a destination. And chances are, you already engage in several activities that improve your emotional well-being. As you go through these suggestions,

1. Keep in mind that emotional health isn’t just about being cheerful all the time. Being prepared to handle the good, the bad, and everything in between is the goal. 1. Work on emotional regulation, says Fraga Emotions can and will sometimes get the better of you, but mastering coping mechanisms to control them can help you respond rather than react to distressing situations. Among the coping mechanisms are:

2. Workout

Regular exercise may seem unattainable if you’re experiencing extreme stress at work or home. However, according to Fraga, making time for exercise can benefit both your physical and emotional well-being.

Try to allocate 30 minutes per day to some form of exercise. If you’re pressed for time, try to squeeze in 10- or 15-minute walks here and there.

3. Boost interpersonal ties

Your social connections can have a significant impact on both your physical and mental health. Keeping in touch with loved ones might act as a buffer when you’re facing difficulties,

Spending time with close friends and family, whether in person or on the phone, can help to strengthen these bonds.

4. Pay attention
An increasing corpus of research shows that mindfulness is associated with improved relationship satisfaction and decreased emotional reactivity.

Focusing on one item at a time, undertaking a social media detox, or making domestic chores into a mental break can all be simple ways to practice mindfulness. The key is to consistently practice mindfulness and set aside even a short amount of time for enjoyable activities.

5. Obtain adequate rest.
Sleep deprivation increases your susceptibility to stress and anxiety.

A 2018 study discovered that lack of sleep increases the frequency of negative thoughts. You may become more emotionally reactive if you are extremely exhausted. Your view, performance, and relationships may be negatively impacted by such emotional reactivity.

Consistency is key when it comes to your sleeping and waking hours. Proper sleep is important for a good balance of mental and physical health. 

The conclusion

Your total well-being depends on your ability to manage your emotions. Taking care of your basic needs, such as getting enough sleep and spending time with loved ones, might be helpful if you feel like your thoughts and emotions are controlling you.

Consider working with a therapist or other mental health specialist if that doesn’t seem to be helping. They can assist you in developing a strategy and in helping you clearly define the areas of your emotional health that you wish to strengthen.

I hope this article will shed some light on how to handle your emotions and how to forgive yourself if you get off track.

Please leave a comment as they help me to understand my reader, and some of the challenges you may be facing on your journey to a healthy life. 






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